How E-learning career services teams can prepare learners to ace interviews?

October 18, 2024

3 min read


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What is the ideal way of preparing for interviews?
Why is practising 50+ times crucial?
Why should learners practise 50+ times?
How does a career services team empower learners to practise interviews better?
Conclusion & CTA


Helping learners get ready for job interviews is one of the core responsibilities of the e-learning career services teams. The learners find it difficult to perform well in job interviews which is a major worry for these teams.The main reasons for this are:

  • Unable to offer enough in-person interview attempts due to high costs
  • Finding suitable interview partners for learners practise
  • Difficulty in providing personalised post interview feedback to each learner

We will discuss ways in which a career services team can prepare their learners to confidently showcase their abilities and knowledge during real interviews. This can enhance learners' interview performance and boost their chances of clearing interviews considerably.

What is the ideal way of preparing for interviews?

Many learners feel very nervous during their initial job interviews. The pressure and unfamiliar setting often causes them to stumble over their words or provide inadequate responses. This negatively impacts their ability to properly showcase their skills and knowledge for the role. However, intensive preparation through research and practice can help overcome these interview challenges.

The ideal way to tackle this is by combining thorough research with practice sessions. Before any interview, take time to thoroughly research the company, the role you've applied for, and anticipate potential questions they may ask. Understand the company's values, products/services, and goals so you can demonstrate how you'd be a great fit. Equally crucial is practising repeatedly.

As per experts, learners need to practise at least 50 times before the actual interviews. The more practice interviews you do, whether with self practice, peers or online tools, the more comfortable and confident you'll become. For self-practice, source the best interview questions, write the responses and rehearse by recording yourself so you can identify areas to improve like body language, vocal pace, and ensuring your answers are clear and concise.

Why is practising 50+ times crucial?

Just like any other skill, practice is the key to improvement. Repeated practice helps overcome nervousness, improves communication abilities, builds familiarity with common questions and allows for self-evaluation.

The recommendation of 50+ practice sessions is not arbitrary. It takes substantial time and repetition to develop the necessary interview skills and confidence. Consistent and extensive practice helps learners internalise the interview process, making them more prepared and ultimately increasing their chances of success in real job interviews.

Why should learners practise 50+ times?

Learners should utilise multiple avenues to accumulate sufficient interview practice. AI-powered interview bots, one-on-one mock sessions with professionals, and peer practice groups are all valuable resources. E-learning companies provide just 6-7 manual one on one interviews at maximum which isn't enough for the learners. Hence, in the initial phase, between the in person mock interviews they should be practising at least 10 times.

This can be done by using AI bots, practising with the seniors or peers and ultimately by self practise if no other options are available. It is advisable to practise with the same interviewer when possible, as receiving consistent feedback from a single interviewer over multiple sessions helps identify specific areas for improvement more effectively.

Using AI bots is another effective way to practise interviews because you can do it anytime and as many times as you want. Many platforms also provide personalised feedback to help learners improve.

In case of these unavailability of the above approaches, self practice requires no specific tools, learners have to go find the best interview questions, write the ideal answers and rehearse by recording to identify the areas of improvement.

How does a career services team empower learners to practise interviews better?

Providing personalised feedback and guidance is crucial for helping learners identify areas of improvement and build confidence. The career services team can:

  • Offer detailed personalised feedback post mock interviews
  • Share ideal sample answers for common questions to benchmark responses
  • Increase frequency of mock interview practise from once every two weeks to at least weekly
  • Provide special attention and coaching for learners who need extra help
  • Arrange sessions with alumni or industry experts for insight and motivation
  • Create a support system where learners can clear doubts and boost each other
  • Provide videos of actual interviews from Youtube.

Conclusion & CTA

Effective interview preparation is crucial for learners to secure their dream jobs and for ed-tech companies to boost their placement rates. By facilitating extensive mock interview practice, providing personalised feedback, and creating a supportive ecosystem, career services teams can significantly enhance learners' confidence and performance in interviews.

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